Active Circuits: What They Are and How They Work

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  May 10, 2023

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What does “active” mean in electronics? It’s a word you hear a lot when discussing electronics, but what does it mean exactly? In electronics, “active” means a circuit or device that uses an external power source to control the flow of electricity. Unlike passive components, active components contain active devices that store, manipulate, and provide amplification control of electrical signals.

In this article, I’ll explain what it means to be “active” in electronics and look at some of the most common examples.

What is an active circuit

Active Circuits: The Powerhouses of Electronics

Active circuits are a type of electrical circuit that contains at least one active device, which has the ability to control the flow of electricity. These circuits are responsible for providing power, amplification, and control in a wide variety of electronic applications.

Examples of Active Circuit Elements

Some common examples of active circuit elements include:

  • Transistors
  • Diodes
  • Integrated circuits (ICs)
  • Generators
  • Semiconductor devices

How Active Circuits Work

Active circuits work by controlling the flow of electricity through the use of active devices. These devices can be used to store and manipulate electrical energy, and can be used to provide amplification or control in a circuit. Active circuits are able to provide a wide range of functions, from storing energy in capacitors to providing voltage drop in diodes.

Active vs Passive Circuits

Active circuits are differentiated from passive circuits, which do not contain any active devices. Passive circuits are entirely made up of passive components, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. While passive circuits can store and dissipate energy, they are not able to provide amplification or control.

Applications of Active Circuits

Active circuits are used in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Power supplies
  • Amplifiers
  • Signal processing
  • Control systems
  • Radio and television receivers

Active Circuit Components

Active circuits can be made up of a variety of components, including:

  • Transistors
  • Diodes
  • Integrated circuits (ICs)
  • Generators
  • Semiconductor devices
  • Capacitors
  • Resistors
  • Valves

The Role of Active Devices in Active Circuits

Active devices are responsible for controlling the flow of electricity in active circuits. These devices can be used to provide amplification, control, and storage in a circuit. Some common active devices include:

  • Transistors
  • Diodes
  • Integrated circuits (ICs)
  • Generators
  • Semiconductor devices

The Complex World of Active Circuits

Active circuits can be incredibly complex, with a wide variety of components and devices working together to provide power, control, and amplification. From storing energy in capacitors to providing voltage drop in diodes, active circuits are responsible for a wide range of functions in the world of electronics.

Active Components: The Smart Players in the Electrical Circuit

Active components are electrical elements that require an external power source to control or modify electrical signals. These components are able to control the flow of current and are considered essential in creating complex circuits. Unlike passive components, active components can produce energy and are able to control the flow of electricity.

The Differences Between Active and Passive Components

The differences between active and passive components are significant. Some of the key differences include:

  • Active components require an external power source, while passive components do not.
  • Active components are able to produce energy, while passive components are not.
  • Active components are able to control the flow of current, while passive components are limited in their ability to do so.

The Importance of Knowing and Understanding Active Components

Knowing and understanding active components is essential in creating accurate and highly versatile circuits. It is important to remember that active components play a significant role in circuit design and are highly versatile in their ability to control the flow of current and voltage.

The Increasing Role of Active Components in the Market

Active components are becoming more and more important in the market. As the demand for complex circuits increases, the need for accurate and highly versatile active components is also increasing. Numerous brands and products are now available in the market, each with their own unique features and abilities.

The Key Takeaway

Active components are a smart and highly versatile element in the electrical circuit. They are able to control the flow of current and voltage and are essential in creating complex circuits. Understanding the differences between active and passive components is important in creating accurate and highly versatile circuits.

Active vs Passive Components: What’s the Difference?

Passive components are elements that do not require any additional source of energy to work. They can only absorb the power in the circuit and cannot deliver power. Some examples of passive components include resistors, capacitors, and inductors.

The Main Difference: Power Supply

The main difference between active and passive components is that active components can supply power to a circuit, while passive components cannot. Active components utilize an additional source of energy to work, while passive components do not.

Benefits of Passive Components

Passive components also provide several benefits, including:

  • Smaller size and lower cost compared to active components
  • Ability to filter unwanted signals (e.g. using capacitors as filters)
  • Ability to measure current and voltage levels

Examples of Active and Passive Components in Circuits

  • Active components: transistors, operational amplifiers, voltage regulators
  • Passive components: resistors, capacitors, inductors

Designing Circuits with Active and Passive Components

Designing circuits with active and passive components requires an understanding of their differences and how they affect the circuit’s performance. Some essential design considerations include:

  • Choosing the right components according to the circuit’s requirements
  • Connecting the elements in the right structure to achieve the desired function
  • Using additional elements such as transformers to maintain the correct polarity and voltage level
  • Including filters to eliminate unwanted signals and noise


So, that’s what active means in electronics. It’s a word used to describe a circuit that uses a device able to control the flow of electricity. 

You can see it in action in everything from power supplies to radio receivers to control systems. So, now you know!

Also read: this is how active pickups work on guitars

I'm Joost Nusselder, the founder of Neaera and a content marketer, dad, and love trying out new equipment with guitar at the heart of my passion, and together with my team, I've been creating in-depth blog articles since 2020 to help loyal readers with recording and guitar tips.

Check me out on Youtube where I try out all of this gear:

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